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- BizCalc v1.1
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- BizCalc may be freely redistributed. Enjoy and
- pass it around with all the documentation files.
- This program is based on MortCalc, which was published on Fred Fish
- disk no. 385. I changed the name because some users thought that it was
- only for mortgage loans. Enter BizCalc, the do-it-all loan calculator!
- The original set of equations (enhanced to support periods less than a month)
- comes from an AmigaBasic demo signed by Amiga grand master Jim Butterfield.
- For the Table to screen option, I used the code of Teks, Pierre
- Baillargeon's compact and yet user-friendly file reader. Iconify routine
- is from Leo Schwab, "the guy in the cape". Compiled with Aztec 3.6a.
- ~~~~~~~
- The author of this program shall not be held responsible for any lost
- incurred by users.
- Please don't blame me if some day your house is repossessed! :^)
- ~~~~~~~~~
- -from the CLI: BizCalc [-option -option ...]
- BizCalc ? This help screen
- Options: (where N is an integer or decimal value)
- -pN Principal N (decimal or integer)
- -rN Rate N
- -lN Length N (months)
- -bN Balance N
- -cN Compounded every N months (default: 1 ; Canada, 6)
- -nN N payments/year (default: 12)
- -f Change the default language from english to french
- -u Send unformated data (6 decimals, not rounded) to
- standard output (CLI). Can be redirected to the printer
- with the command line: BizCalc >PRT: -u.
- Why so many CLI options? So that you can run with your own values
- from a directory utility like DiskMaster, SID, etc. Please note
- that "1w" and "2w" must be used for compounding periods less than
- one month. Example: 1> bizcalc -l48 -n52 -c1w
- -from the Workbench: just double click on the icon. See PRESELECTION.
- Standard icon.library and mathieee.library are required; boot form a
- standard Workbench. Version 1.2, 1.3 and 2.0 are O.K.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- If you are fluent with Amigese, run BizCalc right away and read this
- doc later for the fine points.
- Select the operation you want to do (the unknown value to calculate) by
- clicking in one of the buttons at the left (CAPITAL, RATE, LENGTH,
- BALANCE or PAYMENT). The amortization LENGTH is the length of the loan.
- The selected button stays highlighted and the message box confirms your
- selection. At startup, BizCalc will compute the monthly payments for
- the figures displayed in the value boxes (PAYMENT selected).
- To change a known value, select a box by clicking in it and edit the
- digits with the keyboard or the keypad (DEL, Backspace and the left and
- right cursor keys work the usual way). You may click CALCULATE anytime.
- [RETURN] is not needed to enter a value; however, it places the cursor
- in the next box. Also click CALCULATE whenever you loose the cursor.
- To clear a box, you may use the Right Amiga X combination (press X
- while holding down the right fancy A key). Clearing a box just makes
- room to enter a new value; to really change a value in memory, you have
- to click CALCULATE. This button enters all the displayed figures and
- the result is highlighted by the cursor in the selected value box.
- Clicking on the CALCULATE button updates the display and formats the
- output with $, %, etc. The value boxes accept any character but will
- read in only digits and decimal points. Naturally, any non-numerical
- entry may generate an error message.
- When the RATE and BALANCE are computed, errors messages may be
- displayed if out-of-limits conditions are encountered.
- The INTEREST box shows the cumulative interest amount paid. This is the
- only box that doesn't accept a direct input; this value is updated each
- time a new payment is calculated.
- The PRINT button gets you a hard copy of all the values. This short
- list is different from the "Table to the printer" menu option.
- CAUTION: BizCalc will hang and wait if this option is selected while
- the printer is not on line.
- This option is incompatible with the "Table to file" option.
- The "Compounded every" and "Number of payments/year" value boxes allow
- direct entry of integers or decimals values. This is the "expert" mode
- for those who know what they are doing. In a nutshell, in the U.S.A.,
- mortgage loans are compounded monthly, but semiannually in Canada
- (every 6 months). There are no such legal restrictions for personal
- loans; for instance, a weekly loan (52 payments/year) will normally be
- compounded weekly (1w).
- If you don't feel ready for the expert mode, you might as well use the
- ">>>" buttons to select the correct values. Thus, BizCalc will accept
- "1w" for 0.2307692, which is the compounding factor for weekly loans.
- Or you may use the "Type of Loan" menu, which automatically puts the
- correct value in the "Compounded every" box, but only for mortgage
- loans, U.S.A. or Canada. Then, if the "Number of payments/year" is not
- 12, use the ">>>" buttons to set it.
- To Iconify, click the upper right pictogram; you can move the icon around.
- To restore the display, double-click the icon.
- To QUIT, hit the Close button in the upper left corner of the BizCalc
- window, or use the Project menu option.
- ~~~~~
- Project Menu: Info help screen, Author's address, Calculate and Quit
- commands. Keyboard shortcuts: Right Amiga I, A and C.
- Amortization Table Menu: Click to toggle an option on or off
- *To Screen:
- Displays the list of all the payments in a small window. The computing
- of the amortization table may take some time, especially if the number
- of periods is over 100 (weekly loans, for instance). You can scroll up
- or down the list with the proportional button to the right, with the up
- and down arrow keys or by clicking up or down in the small window.
- Memory is allocated dynamically, so BizCalc multitasks nicely with
- other applications.
- *To Printer
- Outputs a summary of the values and the complete table. It is advisable
- to check the list on the screen first.
- *To File
- Saves in the current directory the summary and the complete table in a
- file whose name defaults to BCalc.lst. Works in append mode; all the
- tables are joined one after the other if the file name is unchanged.
- This is handy to update permanent files or if you change one or more
- factor some year, like a lump sum payment on the anniversary of the
- loan. To change the path or file name, edit the file name displayed in
- the message box, for example: "dh0:finances/my_loan_table.lst", to save
- your file in the Finance drawer of dh0:.
- IMPORTANT: Type [RETURN] to enter the new file name.
- Type of Loan Menu:
- Canada option in the Mortgage submenu will change the default U.S.A.
- monthly compounding to legal canadian semiannually compounding. The
- correct value is dispayed in the "Compounded every" box. With the
- startup values, PAYMENT is $132.15 (USA) and $131.04 (Canada). BizCalc
- values have been verified with annuity tables and are very reliable. If
- you have a weekly or biweekly loan, then use the ">>>" button to set
- the "Number of payments/year" box to 52 or 26 weeks, respectively.
- ~~~~~~~~~~
- To clear a box, you may use the Right Amiga "X" combination (press X
- while holding down the right fancy A key). The Right-Amiga "Q"
- combination undoes any change and gives you a second chance.
- All the value boxes (exept LENGTH) need digits only, so you don't have
- to enter any comma, $ or % ; CALCULATE does that for you.
- As for the LENGTH box, it uses any non-digit character(s) to separate 2
- integer fields (years and months). So, the following entries are
- equivalent:
- 10 yrs 2 mo.
- 10 ans 2 mois
- 10/2
- 0y122 (122 months is 10 years and 2 months)
- The years field is mandatory, but the months field is optional. Please
- note that the LENGTH box accepts integers only. All the other boxes
- take both integer and decimal values. BizCalc rejects negative values.
- You may operate BizCalc without the mouse if you use the arrow keys
- within a box and the <RETURN> key to move from box to box. Place the
- mouse pointer on CALCULATE and simultaneously press Left Alt and Left
- Amiga to simulate a mouse click...
- CAUTION: The Right-Amiga C keyborad shortcut works as indicated, but a
- small bug eats up the cursor. Type Left Arrow to get it back without
- changing anything else. I didn't squash that bug because it has a handy
- side effect: the cursor will come back in the starting box instead of
- in the results box. Some users may actually prefer that. This shows
- quite appropriately that one man's bug may be another man's feature.
- ~~~~~~~~~
- BizCalc can do a lot of things besides calculating your instalments.
- For instance, using the startup values, you may want to know how long
- it would take to pay the capital if the payments were set at $150. To
- find out, select the LENGTH box (unknown value), then edit the PAYMENT
- value box to $150.00 and click CALCULATE.
- You may wish to know the balance on a loan after, say, one year. Just
- select BALANCE as the unknown value and enter 1 in the LENGTH box. For
- lump sum payments, find the BALANCE at that date and subtract the lump
- sum amount. Then go on with these new values.
- Watch out for asymptotic values or else, you may have to pay your
- mortgage for the whole eternity. For instance, select LENGTH as the
- unknown value and try to increment the CAPITAL until you get an error
- message (which will show up when the LENGTH exceeds 9999 months!). You
- will find out that at some point just before the error message, a
- difference of one miserable dollar in the principal adds *years* of
- payments.
- If you add fractions of cent (say $0.003) to the PAYMENT, you may
- notice an increment of a few dollars in CAPITAL. The rounding off of
- figures also explains why you may have in few cents left (or see a
- minus sign) in BALANCE when the amortization LENGTH is over. Use the
- CLI -u option (unformatted) if you need a precision of six decimals.
- BizCalc gives you all the figures you need to shop for a mortgage. You
- no longer have to take for granted everything your loan agent tells
- you, and you may even teach him a trick or two.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- You may change some startup values by editing the Tool Types box of the
- icon (Workbench ICON menu item). CAN=1 and FR=1 will change the
- defaults options to Canada and French, respectively. Delete these
- entries to get the default values (USA and English). Invisible language
- selection is a welcome feature in a small world like ours.
- You may use the same tool to change the default startup values. For
- instance, typing in CAPITAL=44832.44, RATE=11.75, LENGHT=134,
- BALANCE=4000, COMP=2w, NPY=26 will start BizCalc with these values.
- Notes: LENGTH has to be in months
- 1w must be used for "one week", and 2w for "two weeks"
- Lower/upper CASE are important!
- ~~~~~~~~
- The next version of BizCalc will incorporate a lot of new features,
- like a complete set of help screens, file manipulation options, an Arp
- file requester to load and save config files, a file reader, amortization
- tables with actual calendar dates and more. This version is available
- to registered BizCalc users only. So, if you use BizCals regularly, do
- yourself a favor and order BizCalc Professional by sending $15 to:
- Michel Laliberté
- 875 Dollard
- Outremont, Québec
- H3V 3G8 Canada
- Any comment is welcome.